Friday, November 29, 2019

Periodic Table Essays - Chemistry, Nature, Periodic Table

Periodic Table Periodic Table First noticed by Greek people in about 400BC. They used the words element, and atom to describe the differences and smallest parts of matter. Those ideas lasted for 2000 years. Elements were Earth, Fire, Air, and Water that explained world stuff easily came and went. In the 1600s Boyle, an experimenter, influenced by Democritus, Gassendi, and Descartes lent important weight to the atomic theory of matter. In the 1700s Lavoisier divided the elements into four classes. John Dalton suggested that the mass of an atom is the important property. The chemical elements are composed of... indivisible particles of matter, called atoms... atoms of the same element are identical in all respects, particularly weight. n the 1800s Doereiner said that some elements had a relative atomic mass, and DeChancourtois made a table of elements to show the periodic reoccurrence of properties. In the 1860s Newland made a table of elements giving them a serial number in order of their atomic weighs starting with Hydrogen. Meyer and Mendeleyev made periodic tables independently. Meyer made it more periodicity of physical properties, and Mendeleyev made it more on the chemical properties. Mendeleyev published his periodic table & law in 1869. Periodic tables have always been related to how scientists thought about the shape and structure of the atom. Later, the table was reordered by Mosely according to atomic numbers(nuclear charge) instead of weight. Harry D. Hubbard, of the United States National Bureau of Standards, modernized Mendeleyevs periodic table. It got published in 1924. It was called the Periodic Chart of the Atoms. In the 1930s the heaviest elements were being put into the periodis table. The Alexander Arrangement of the Elements, a three-dimensional periodic chart designed and patented by Roy Alexander and introduced in 1994, retains the separate Lenthanide and Actinide series, but integrated them at the same time, made possible by using all three dimensions. The Periodic Table is an arrangement of the chemical elements. Its also an important reference for chemists and is the basis of chemical classification throughout the world. Bibliography Barlow, John Perry. The Elements Mar-Apr. 1995 Science Essays

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